Julie Cavalli

Julie Cavalli- as an artist I have been creating hand-crafted jewelry in sterling silver and gold for more than 20 years. Once just a hobby, I have now been pursuing jewelry full time for the last few years. I have been very fortunate to have studied metal-smithing at many wonderful art schools throughout the many places I have lived from the East Coast to the West Coast and even British Columbia, Canada.

 I love working in my studio. Each day I am blessed to be able to start the day fresh and create something new and exciting. I am never without my three trusting and faithful shop companions, Finnegan, Scout and Sophie (all three rescue pups).

 I love working in silver. This love for silver started many years ago with my grandfather DJ Sanders. He loved metal too. He had a beautiful parade saddle embellished with Mexican silver that I thought was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It is long gone, but my excitement for the metal is just as strong today.

Some of my favorite stones are Agates, Citrine, Smokey Topaz, Amethyst, Turquoise and Drusy. I love to add a signature stone of Moonstone to many of my pieces. It is an ancient stone, an elemental stone much like the moon it is named for, and it is said that it reflects back a person’s own personal truth. Throughout history it has been regarded as holy, magical and the stone of love. Who doesn’t need a bit of that in their life. It is considered a “feminine” stone and does well for helping to balance feminine energy and can be very calming. I also use Turquoise in abundance in my work, for it is also known as a stone that offers its wearer protection and healing properties. It is a stone that simply makes you feel good when you put it on.

One of my proudest moments recently is being joined at my work bench by my daughter and best apprentice, Shelby.